
Easybee exploit
Easybee exploit

easybee exploit easybee exploit

EARLYSHOVEL RedHat 7.0 - 7.1 Sendmail 8.11.x exploit.It can duplicate tokens (Kerberos tokens?) and "remote execute commands" as well as logon as users (based on files in ZBng/Commands/CommandLine) ZBng ZippyBang Looking at this quickly, it appears to be the NSA's version of Mimikatz.


  • Utbu UtilityBurst Appears to be a mechanism for persistence via a driver install unsure (based on UtBu/Scripts/Include/_UtilityBurstFunctions.dsi).
  • Appears to be used to identify other nation states also


  • TeDi TerritorialDispute A plugin used to determine what other (malicious) software may be persistently installed (based on TeDi/PyScripts/sigs.py).
  • Tasking N/A Handles the collection "tasks" that DanderSpritz has requested on the same (collection of windows, network data, etc).
  • StLa Strangeland Keylogger (based on StLa/Tools/i386-winnt/strangeland.xsl).
  • ScRe ? Interacts with SQL databases (based on ScRe/Commands/CommandLine/Sql_Command.xml).
  • Python N/A Python Libraries / resources being used.
  • Pc2.2 PeddleCheap Resources for PeddleCheap including different DLLs / configs to call back to the C2.

  • Pc PeddleCheap The main implant (loaded via DoublePulsar) that performs all of these actions and communciates with the C2 (DanderSpirtz).
  • PaCU PaperCut Allows you to perform operations on file handles opened by other processes.
  • Pfree Passfreely Oracle implant that bypasses auth for oracle databases.
  • includes tools to gather data from Chrome, Skype, Firefox (ripper) and gather information about the machine / environment (survey)
  • Ops N/A Contains a lot of awesome tools and python / dss scripts used by DanderSpritz.
  • Gui N/A Resources used by the DanderSpirtz GUI.
  • GeZU GreaterSurgeon Appears to dump memory (based on GeZu/Commands/CommandLine/GeZu_KernelMemory_Command.xml).
  • easybee exploit

  • GaTh GangsterTheif Appears to parse data gathered by GreaterDoctor to identify other (malicious) software that may be installed persistently (based on GaTh/Commands/CommandLine/GrDo_ProcessScanner_Command.xml).
  • GRcl ? Appears to dump memory from a specific process (based on GRcl/Commands/CommandLine/ProcessMemory_Command.xml).
  • GROK ? Appears to be a keylogger (based on Ops/PyScripts/overseer/plugins/keylogger.py).
  • GRDO GreaterDoctor Appears to parse / process from GreaterSurgeon (based on GRDO/Tools/i386/GreaterSurgeon_postProcess.py & analyzeMFT.py).
  • FlAv FlewAvenue Appears related to DoormanGauze (based on FlAv/scripts/_FlewAvenue.txt).
  • Ep ExpandingPulley Listening Post developed in 2001 and abandoned in 2008.
  • They seem to be scripts run by DanderSpritz
  • Dsz DanderSpritz Several DanderSpritz specific files such as command descriptions (in XML), and several scripts with DSS (Debug script interface?) / DSI extensions?.

  • DmGZ DoormanGauze DoormanGauze is a kernel level network driver that appears to bypass the standard Windows TCP/IP stack.
  • A lot of tools mention that doublefeature is the only way to confirm their existence
  • Df DoubleFeature Generates a log & report about the types of tools that could be deployed on the target.
  • DeMI DecibelMinute Appears to interact with KillSuit to install, configure, and uninstall it.
  • Darkskyline DarkSkyline Contains tools to parse and filter traffic captured by DarkSkyline.
  • DaPu DarkPulsar Appears to be a legacy implant, similar to PeddleCheap but older.
  • easybee exploit

    Confirmed: Leaked Equation Group Hacking Tools Are Real.: Buckeye: Espionage Outfit Used Equation Group Tools Prior to Shadow Brokers Leak.I am not responsible if you choose to use my work or this documentation to do something dumb and/or illegal. Disclaimer: These links are intended to be used by information security researchers who are interested in understanding the capabilities of frameworks/data-sets used in real-life.

    Easybee exploit